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Library of Congress Subject Areas
A General Works
AC Collections. Series. Collected works
G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation
G Geography (General)
GB Physical geography
H Social Sciences
H Social Sciences (General)
HA Statistics
HB Economic Theory
HC Economic History and Conditions
HE Transportation and Communications
HG Finance
HN Social history and conditions. Social problems. Social reform
K Law
K Law (General)
KZ Law of Nations
L Education
L Education (General)
Q Science
Q Science (General)
QH Natural history
QH301 Biology
QL Zoology
S Agriculture
S Agriculture (General)
SB Plant culture
SF Animal culture
SH Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling
T Technology
T Technology (General)
Z Bibliography. Library Science. Information Resources
Z665 Library Science. Information Science
Z719 Libraries (General)